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build. It was called K-2 and located in Stefanow. Cessa-
tion of construction happened in February 1988 when two
shafts: 2.1 and 2.2 were under construction. The first one
was deepened to the target depth of 1017 m and the sec-
ond to the exploitation level 990 m. Apart from that, some
of the surface infrastructure was also prepared. The as-
sets owned by the liquidated K-2 mine were transferred
from State Treasury to “Bogdanka”. But for over 15 years
these assets were unproductive and required significant
expenditures for their protection and maintenance. To re-
duce these costs both shafts of K-2 mine were flooded
with water and the natural water level established at the
depth of ca. 170 m under the ground surface.
Development plans implemented in „Bogdanka” mine
are related with the extraction of coal from the third field
– Stefanow, apart from two now-existing fields: Bogdanka
(the area of the main shafts) and Nadrybie.
Construction of Stefanow field will allow to utilize hitherto
unproductive assets obtained from K-2 mine, particularly
shafts 2.1 and 2.2 and increase production capabilities of
the mine. This will reduce unit costs of extraction of one
tonne of coal and will increase the competitiveness of Lu-
blin coal in the market.
To summarize one may say that LW Bogdanka today:
is a producer of steam coal, located in South-East-
ern Poland (Lublin Coal Basin),
annual production reaches 5,8 million tonnes of
steam coal and this figure constitutes for about 8%
of total production of steam coal in Poland,
is one of the most modern and biggest hard coal
mines in Poland,
owns mineable reserves of ca. 247 million tonnes
(the present concession allows functioning of the
mine to the year 2034),
uses most modern technologies and worldclass
hires 4034 people what makes it one of the biggest
employers in Lublin area.
zatrudnia ponad 4000 ludzi co powoduje że
jest jednym z największych pracodawców na
Discovery of the coal deposit located in upper Bug and
Lublin area was a result of long-standing research.
First mentioning about coal findings in Wolyn area comes
from 1881 and was put in Physiographic Memoir by Win-
lubelski węgiel „bogdanka” s.a.