IMF 2019
International Mining Forum 2019: Safety and efficiency of exploitation against the challenges of industry 4.0

IMF 2017
International Mining Forum 2017: Mining of the future - New Problems and Solutions

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Session chairmen:
Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof KRAUZE, Chair of Department of Mining, Dressing and Transport Machines, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Filipowicz, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Vice-Dean responsible for Cooperation with Social-and Economic Environment

10:0010:15Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Krauze, dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Kotwica (AGH)Current trends in automation and robotics in Polish and International mining
10:1510:30Dr inż. Piotr Kasza (AGH)euRobotics – a road to mining of the future
10:3010:45Prof. dr hab. inż. Teodor Winkler - Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG, GliwicePrerequisites and conditions for application of the Industry 4.0 approach in mining industry
10:4511:00Dr Joanna PRUCHNICKA – Centrum Badań i Dozoru Górnictwa Podziemnego Sp. z o.o., LędzinyMining - science and industry in the process of commercialization of research and development results
11:0011:15Dr inż. Artur Kozłowski (ITI EMAG)Automation and robotization in mining in the aspect of increased safety requirements
11:1511:30Sebastian Skala (ABB Polska)Optimizing processes and maintenance costs through a proactive model of low voltage switchgear operation
12:0012:15Paweł Nowak (Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology)IT tools and the improvement of preparatory working effectiveness
12:1512:30Prof. dr hab. inż. Lech Gładysiewicz, dr hab. inż. Robert Król (Politechnika Wrocławska), mgr inż. Dariusz Kubiak (KGHM Zanam S.A.)Research on the efficiency of belt conveyor drive in underground copper ore mine
12:3012:45Paul Freeman (Joy Global Poland Sp. z o.o.)Joy equipment for automated longwalls systems, features and references
12:4513:00Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof KRAUZE, dr inż. Łukasz BOŁOZ, dr inż. Tomasz WYDRO (AGH)Drivage roadheader system
13:0013:15Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Krauze, dr inż. Łukasz Bołoz (AGH)Shearer longwall system for thin seams.
13:1513:30Dr hab. inż. Stanisław Szweda (Politechnika Śląska)Forming the functional features of powered roof support – selected problems.
13:3013:45Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Krauze, dr inż. Grzegorz Stopka, dr hab. inż. Waldemar Rączka (AGH)New type of longwall powered roof support
13:4514:00 Discussion
14:0015:00 Lunch

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