IMF 2019
International Mining Forum 2019: Safety and efficiency of exploitation against the challenges of industry 4.0

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International Mining Forum 2017: Mining of the future - New Problems and Solutions

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Session chairman:
Dr hab. inż. Henryk Kleta, prof. of the Silesian University of Technology

10:0010:20Robert Ostrowski (JSW S.A.), Mariusz Szot (GIG)Technical and economic problems of contemporary coal mining
10:2010:40Dr inż. Tomasz Rokita (AGH), Janusz Olszewski (KOPEX-PBSz S.A.), Krystian Ratuszny (KOPEX-PBSz S.A.)Shaft transport systems with the usage of hoisting devices
10:4011:00Tomasz Siostrzonek (AGH w Krakowie/Siemag), Paweł Kamiński (AGH w Krakowie/KOPEX-PBSz S.A.) Systemic solutions for winding machine drives with AC motors
11:0011:20Piotr Bulenda (PGG S.A), Zbigniew Piszczan (PGG S.A)Extension of the shaft hoisting system in the Leon IV shaft
11:2011:40Jarosław Nowak (KOPEX-PBSz S.A), Daniel Wowra (KOPEX-PBSz S.A), Maciej Motyka (CBiDGP)Special purpose hoisting device
11:4012:10Dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Niedbalski (AGH w Krakowie), Mieczysław Wojtyński (PGG Oddział KWK ROW), Bogdan Skłodowski (PGG Oddział KWK ROW), Dariusz Brząkalik (KOPEX-PBSz S.A.)Reinforcement of the shaft support on the example of the Shaft VII in ROW Mine Chwałowice Colliery
12:1012:30 Coffie break
12:3012:50Ludwik Fiutka (KOPEX-PBSz S.A.), Kazimierz Kuźma (KOPEX-PBSz S.A.), Bartosz Chomański (KOPEX-PBSz S.A.)Design and construction of deep shaft connections – directions of optimization and unification
12:5013:10Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Krauze, dr inż. Łukasz Bołoz, dr inż. Tomasz Wydro (AGH w Krakowie)Shaft system of new generation
13:1013:30dr inż. Marek Rotkegel, dr Adam Szade, dr inż. Jan Szymała
(GIG, Katowice)
Capabilities for assessing the technical condition of sunken shafts support
13:3014:00 Discussion
14:0015:00 Lunch

Host of the conference



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