IMF 2019
International Mining Forum 2019: Safety and efficiency of exploitation against the challenges of industry 4.0

IMF 2017
International Mining Forum 2017: Mining of the future - New Problems and Solutions

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Session chairmen: 
Piotr Toś, President of the Management Board Advicom Spółka z o.o., dr hab. inż. Eugeniusz J. Sobczyk, prof. MEERI PAS

10:0010:10Artur Krawczyk (AGH)Introduction speech – Selected trends and development directions of software for the mining industry
10:1010:30Jarosław Kulpa, Dominik Galica, (IGSMIE PAN w Krakowie)Practical aspects of using IT tools in the process of obtaining the mining license on the example of bituminous coal deposits
10:3010:50Tomasz Wilczek (JSW SA)Unitary digital map in JSW S.A.
10:5011:10Dawid Mól (LW Bogdanka)Geological Database and digital models of deposit in the operation of Survey and Geology Department in LW Bogdanka Mine
11:1011:30Dariusz Kijanka (LW Bogdanka)Meaning and utilization of IT solutions in mine planning and scheduling in LW Bogdanka Mine
11:3011:50Iwona Kowalczyk (IGSMIE PAN w Krakowie/Ministerstwo Środowiska), Wojciech Anacki (IGSMIE PAN w Krakowie).Utilization of geological model of deposit and digital model of excavation for evaluation and optimization of selected aspects of mining operations evaluation and optimization of selected aspects of mining operations
12:1012:30Marian Poniewiera (Geo-LISP)GEO-LISP solutions for geological modelling and mine production planning and scheduling in decision support in underground coal mines
12:3012:50Paula Mierzwa, Ved Sharma (Datamine Software)Datamine solutions for geological modelling, mine planning and scheduling in underground coal mines
12:5013:10Daniil Lunev (Deswik)Mine planning in a new dimension - Deswik implementation at LW Bogdanka
13:1013:30Łukasz Kudlak (ABB)Roof collapse forecast based on the geological model of overburden on the example of LW Bogdanka S.A.
13:3013:50Artur Krawczyk, Radosław Grzybek, Karolina Pargieła (AGH)Preconditions and development of use opportunities of InSAR High Resolution Interferometry in continuous and dynamic deformations investigation in the mining areas of the Upper Silesian Industrial Region 
13:5014:00 Discussion

Host of the conference



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