IMF 2019
International Mining Forum 2019: Safety and efficiency of exploitation against the challenges of industry 4.0

IMF 2017
International Mining Forum 2017: Mining of the future - New Problems and Solutions

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Session chairmen: 
Prof. dr hab. inż. Wiesław Blaschke (IGSMiE PAN)

10:0010:30Steve Williams (Energy Recovery Investments Ltd)Maximizing the recovery of coal in the processing
10:3011:00Marcin Stecki (Dassault Systemes)Software tools for geological modeling, mine planning and mine production scheduling in underground hard coal mining plants
(GEOVIA MINEX presentation)
   Maximization of productivity and operational management in underground mining (GEOVIA InSite presentation)
11:0011:20Anna Tarnawska (SGS Polska)Industry supporting projects - energy and economic balance of sound quality monitoring
11:2011:40Dr Jacek Kołacz (Comex Group)Modern methods of enrichment of coal in X-ray separators
11:4012:00Jan Smoleń (Smolen Consulting Services, Canada)International standards for bed grading and dependence of coal quality on deposit accuracy
12:0012:20 Coffie break
12:2012:40dr hab. inż. Ireneusz Baic (IMBIGS)Innovative method of coal benefication in vibratory air separators
12:4013:00Jacek Woch ( SGS Polska Sp. z o.o.)Inspection services and investment supervision for heavy and mining industries
13:0013:20Grzegorz Strzelec (Zespół Jakości Produkcji, JSW SA)Characteristics of coking coal mines JSW S.A. - Grzegorz Strzelec (JSW SA)
13:2013:40Kazimierz Buchta (Zespół Przeróbki Mechanicznej, Biuro Produkcji JSW S.A.)Modernization of processing plants of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. For stabilizing quality parameters and maximizing the production of coking coal - Kazimierz Buchta (JSW SA)
13:4014:00Marek Kryca, Anna Kubańska (CTT EMAG Sp. z o.o.),
Piotr Nowak (LW Bogdanka),
Andrzej Pyc (Biuro Projektów PROREM)
MPN Meter - a new approach to control fine coal separation in a jig
14:0015:00 Lunch

Host of the conference



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