XI International Mining Forum „New look at technique and technology of coal thin seams exploitation” confirmed that it is purposeful to use ploughing technique.
It opens new possibilities for innovative solutions in areas like automation, IT or monitoring of the whole mining process. The increase of work effective time gained because of those solutions is the key to economic success.

Worldwide and Polish experiences of mines using ploughing technique (e.g. Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa) show that thin seam exploitation is a chance for increasing mineable resource base which in practice means that life of mine may be extended and jobs may be protected.
The discussion showed that the share of plough complexes in overall production in the mines will increase.
The importantance of ploughing technique comes inter alia from the reduction of gangue that has to be stored on the surface.
Driving heading excavations requires looking for technical solutions in roadheaders and supports adapted to challenges created by ploughing technique (large cross-section areas, significant plough longwalls advances). A new heading complex is that kind of solution as it allows for simultaneous conduct of some activities in the technological cycle, i.e. mining and bolting what will shorten the driving cycle. The complex assumes the support is built in the heading in order to ensure sufficient support of the rock mass due to active lining with the use of containers filled with fast-binding agent applied under pressure as well as bolting to reinforce the rock mass.
IMF 2011 Intro
Effective, safe and reliable tools for coping with such challenges, reliable work in all kind of conditions, significant daily advances, the possibility to adapt to variable mining and geological conditions are the factors in which modern mining has to function as a global industry.
The important element of further activities is to maintain training of employees to make sure they understand and apply the ultramodern technical solutions.
This is a guarantee of high production results.
The actions undetaken by Spółka Węglowa and LW Bogdanka SA should be greeted with contentment as an initiative characterised with care for economic results corresponding with social and environmental aspects of mining. This is a part of corporate social responsibility realized by the mining companies.
Jerzy Kicki, Artur Dyczko