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New Techniques and Technologies in Thin Coal Seam Exploitations

24-26th November 2011 – LW Bogdanka SA


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In 1996 coincident with the proceedings of the 5th School of Underground Mining, the biggest mining conference in Poland, a book entitled “The extraction of thin coal seams”  was published. It summarized one of the Conference's sessions, attended by speakers dealing with the subject from several countries.

The objective of conference organized as one in the International Mining Forum series is to demonstrate the up-to-date Polish and international experience in the area of thin coal seam mining.

The implementation of the plow technology in Poland is done by young engineers for whom the automated extraction system presents itself as a great challenge pinpointing the direction of future developments – a production mining face manned by a skeleton crew, fully utilizing the potential offered by the information technology. They create new ways and means of running the production processes, which are successfully used together with the new generation plows. Successive generations of young mining engineers entering their careers are equipped with a new type of ability and, most of all, awareness which is characterized by a new understanding of reality, in which “real” is what is on the screen. They are the guarantee that this direction of research and the drive towards minimizing human involvement in the underground production chores will receive increasing focus and will remain the area of development.

The experiences to-date of three mines (KWK Zofiówka, KWK Jas-Mos, LW Bogdanka SA) show that there is a real potential for the Polish companies to join in the research aimed at developing new plow installations.

The conference is to sum-up the actions-to date taken both in Poland and all over the world in terms of implementing the plow technology in mining.

We invite you to participate in the conference – it is really worth it!

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